
Structure of Typhoon by Potential Temperature emagram, etc.

Two patterns are worrisome about a potential temperature emagram.
One of Patterns is Potential temperature of the same value at any height, and the other is Equivalent potential temperature of the same value at any height.
Especially equivalent-potential temperature is common also in the typhoon.
Watch is a required sign.
Be careful.Very,Very.

1The example with same value of 50 to 1000m potential temperature
The following potential temperature emagram is Tateno at 21:00 (12Z) on January 08, 2011.
 The leftmost plot is wet-bulb temperature.

Strong cold air accumulates below 50m, and the value of potential temperature is the same in 50 to 1000 m.

By the way, the ingredient ratio of ideal gas is the same also in what height.
Water vapor pressure of height Z and pressure are set to E (z) and P (z).
It becomes the following relation if the value of potential temperature is the same.


The following graph plots P(z)/E (z) from Tateno at 21:00 on January 08, 2011.

Atmospheric pressure is as follows.
 Integration range is Z from 0.
The Barometric formula is using Standard temperature instead of T(z).
The water vapor pressure of 50 to 1000 m is as follows.

2. Example to which Value of Equivalent-potential Temperature Became the Same
 Although Tokyo in January clears up in many cases, cold air accumulates in 500 m from surface.
The following graph is a potential temperature emagram of average Tateno in January.

Occasionally, a front is formed between the cold air of land, and marine warm air.
A lower graph is the potential temperature emagram created from the observed value at 9:00 on January 14, 2006 by Tateno. There was a front at this time.
Tateno 09:00 on January 14, 2006

Cold air has accumulated in 0 to 500m.

The value of 500 to 6000m equivalent potential temperature is 310k.
This figure is a forecast of the spot facing the sea.

The model is calculated by the strange formula which you know.
(You will sense the next later. "The strange formula is wrong.".)  
The maximum of saturation equivalent-potential temperature is 315k.
The air more than equivalent-potential temperature 315k in the sea goes up to 8000 m.
At the atmosphere of this emagram, the rain accompanied by thunder falls heavily.
Be careful.
1000hPa equivalent-potential temperature is the next.This is made by initial value. 

The concentration belt of equivalent-potential temperature corresponds to the coast front.
The next figure is surface equivalent-potential temperature at 15:00 on January 14.

The next figure is at 18:00.
A green line is the equivalent potential temperature of 315K.
The radar echo has become strong by 310 to 320k.
I think that surface air is going up to 8000m.

3. Structure of Typhoon by Potential Temperature emagram
The next figure shows equivalent-potential temperature when a typhoon approaches.
The center of a typhoon is located in Fukuoka in Japan.
Equivalent-potential temperature is large, so that an altitude is high.
You should judge that an atmospheric state is stable.
This is calculated by the equivalent potential temperature of the strange form.
Fukuoka is performing upper-air observation.
The following emagram was calculated by the potential temperature whom you know.

.By the way, potential temperature is based on 1000 hPa.
It is as follows if it writes in energy form.
Cp theta=CpT+mg (hh1000)
This brings about the same result as the potential temperature which you know.
The h1000 is as follows.
You fill air in a balloon at 850hPa. 
And it compresses using potential energy.
Height when it compresses to 1000hPa is h1000.
The h1000 differs from an actual height of 1000 hPa.
You use at not knowing this error.

New potential temperature is defined here.
Cp θ=CpT+mgh
By this definition, you compress until a balloon gets down to the surface.
A difference arises between  the  balloon and the actual pressure of the  surface.
You who know free expansion will not make an issue of the difference.
It is because Free expansion does not carry out change of temperature. 
When you break a balloon, you knew behavior of the air in balloon.

If this Typhoon has absorbed the surrounding air which is high equivalent-potential temperature, then the air will rise to 12000 m.


RCIC:Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system
HPCI:High Pressur Coolant Injection System
TEPCO:Tokyo Electric Power Company.
Reactor Pressure Vessel
S/C:Suppression Chamber
SRV Safety Relief Valve

This is only story.
Much difference from the fact is included.

Short Story Nuclear power plant No. 2

No. 2 lost AC and DC power supply.
It became only a reactor core isolation cooling system that a nuclear reactor can be cooled.
However, RCIC stops sometimes automatically.
The reason for stopping is as follows.
RCIC turns a turbine using vapor of a pressure vessel.
Vapor is thrown away into the pool of a pressure suspension chamber.
A pump is moved in a turbine and water is circulated.

On the other hand, if the pressure of a pressure vessel rises, and a safety valve opens automatically and closes.
The pressure of a pressure suspension chamber rises and pressure balancing collapses.
Water may flow backwards to a turbine.
This is not good for a turbine.
In order to avoid this risk, RCIC stops automatically.
RCIC which stopped is rebooted by a battery.
Although the battery was always required, No. 2 had lost the battery.

The short Story
The earthquake happened at 14:46 on March 11, 2011.
The 1st wave of tsunami reached at 15:27 on March 11
The 2nd wave of tsunami reached at 15:35.
RCIC repeated starting and stopping.
RCIC of No. 2 was started manually at 15:39 on March 11. .
There were not AC and DC power supply after 15:39 on the 11th.
It cannot reboot, if RCIC stops.
They determined the following plan on March 12.
Let's perform a vent.

The procedure is as follows.
We are ready to pour the water in a fire truck.
A vent valve is opened.
This is the preparation which breaks rupture disk.
Safety Relief Valve is opened.
The pressure of a container is gone up and rupture disk breaks.
The pressure of a pressure vessel gets down.
Water is poured into a pressure vessel and it cools.
After the vent was decided by them , 24 hours or more have passed.

rupture disk

The interim report said as follows.
10:15 on March 13
The electromagnetic valve was opened using the small dynamo and operation of opening a S/C vent valve (AO valve) was carried out.

A small dynamo is AC power supply.
An electromagnetic valve is operated by a DC power supply.
It is the report of a lie clearly.
TEPCO has said. "We did not have a direct-current power supply."

However, they do not open Safety Relief Valve.
I think as follows.
The valve was not opened although operation of opening a S/C vent valve (AO valve) was carried out.
24 more hours passed.

RCIC stopped at 13:25 on March 14.
The pressure of Reactor Pressure Vessel rose.
They were going to open the S/C Vento valve by the compressor around 16:00 on the 14th.
However, it did not open, with pressure being lacking.
Melt-through happened at 19:03 on the 14th.
Melt-through happened and it became possible to pour water.
Melt-through occurred because there was no compressed air.
The pipe which sends compressed air was broken by the earthquake.
However, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not do the safety measures of a pipe.
Vietnam may be trying to make the nuclear power plant which has not carried out such safety measures.
Doesn't an earthquake start in Vietnam?

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