Weather Function Excel VBA 

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1.The weather function by Excel

Public Function es(td)
'水蒸気圧 es(td)
'water vapor pressure es (td)
‘It asks for water vapor pressure from dew point temperature.

a = 6.112
b = 17.67 * td / (243.5 + td)
c = Exp(b)
es = a * c
End Function

Public Function td(rh, t)
'露点温度 td(rh,t)
‘Dew point temperature td (rh, t)
‘It asks for dew point temperature from relative humidity and temperature.

x1 = rh / 100
d = Log(x1)
e = 17.67 * t / (243.5 + t)
c = d + e
td = c * 243.5 / (17.67 - c)
End Function

Public Function θ(p, t)
'温位 θ(P,t
‘Potential temperature   θ (P, t)
‘It asks for  potential temperature from 'atmospheric pressure and temperature.
High up in the sky, + error is large.

 Const p0 As Double = 1000#
 Const rd As Double = 287.05
 Const cpd As Double = 1005#

 θ = (t + 273.2) * (p0 / p) ^ (rd / cpd)
End Function

Public Function ssi(p1, t1, td, p2, tup)
'Showalter Stability Index  ssi(p1, t1, td, p2, tup)

'p1 p2 とのSSIを求める。
‘The lower layer atmospheric pressure p1, the temperature t1, dew point temperature td
‘The upper atmospheric pressure p2, temperature tup
‘SSI of p1 and p2 is calculated.

cp = 0.24: k = 0.2857: t0 = 273.2
tc = td + t0 - 0.216 * (t1 - td)
e = 6.112 * Exp(17.67 * td / (243.5 + td))
x = 0.622 * e / (p1 - e)
lc = 596.7 - 0.601 * (tc - t0)
ept85 = (t1 + t0) * (1000 / (p1 - e)) ^ k * Exp(lc * x / (cp * tc))

Delta = 0.001: t1 = -80: t2 = 50: a1 = Delta * 2
Do While Abs(a1) > Delta
   t = t1: td = t
   cp = 0.24: k = 0.2857: t0 = 273.2
   tc = td + t0 - 0.216 * (t - td)
   e = 6.112 * Exp(17.67 * td / (243.5 + td))
    x = 0.622 * e / (p2 - e)
    lc = 596.7 - 0.601 * (tc - t0)
    ept = (t + t0) * (1000 / (p2 - e)) ^ k * Exp(lc * x / (cp * tc))
    a1 = ept - ept85
    t = t2: td = t
    tc = td + t0 - 0.216 * (t - td)
    e = 6.112 * Exp(17.67 * td / (243.5 + td))
    x = 0.622 * e / (p2 - e)
    lc = 596.7 - 0.601 * (tc - t0)
    ept = (t + t0) * (1000 / (p2 - e)) ^ k * Exp(lc * x / (cp * tc))
    a2 = ept - ept85
    If a1 * a2 < 0 Then t2 = t2 - (t2 - t1) * 0.5 Else t3 = t1: t1 = t2: t2 = t2 + (t2 - t3) * 0.5

tr50 = t1
ssi = tup - tr50
End Function

Public Function θe(p, t, td)

'相当温位 θe(p, t, td)
‘Equivalent potential temperature   θe (p, t, td)
‘atmospheric pressure p, the temperature t, and the dew point temperature
High up in the sky, + error is large.

cp = 0.24
k = 0.2857
t0 = 273.2
tc = td + t0 - 0.216 * (t - td)
e = 6.112 * Exp(17.67 * td / (243.5 + td))
x = 0.622 * e / (p - e)

lc = 596.7 - 0.601 * (tc - t0)

p100 = 1000 / (p - e) ' a^b=A
p2 = Log(p100)        'ln A= b*ln a
c = p2 * k            'A= exp(b*in a)
Power = Exp(c)
θe = (t + t0) * Power * Exp(lc * x / (cp * tc))
End Function

Public Function tw(p, t, td)
'湿球温度 tw(p, t, td)
‘Wet bulb temperature tw (p, t, td)
‘atmospheric pressure p, the temperature t, and the dew point temperature td.

Const cp = 29108.82
Const l = 2.5 * 1000000 * 18
a1 = es(td)
p2 = p - a1
a2 = p2 / p
t0 = 273.2
a3 = a2 * cp * (t + t0)
a4 = (a1 / p) * l '水蒸気の潜熱
dall = a3 + a4

t1 = -130
t2 = 130
t3 = 130
Delta = 100
delta1 = -100
Do While Delta > 1#

If delta1 < 0 Then
   t2 = t3
   t3 = (t1 + t3) / 2

   t1 = t3
   t3 = (t2 + t3) / 2
   End If

b1 = es(t3)
p2 = p - b1
b2 = p2 / p
t0 = 273.2
b3 = b2 * cp * (t3 + t0)
b4 = (b1 / p) * l
ball = b3 + b4
delta1 = dall - ball
Delta = Abs(delta1)

tw = t3
End Function

Public Function pt(hight,  temp)
'温位 pt(hight,press,temp)
'’ Potential temperature pt (hight, press, temp)
‘It asks for the potential temperature pt from potential energy and enthalpy.

cp = 29.10005
m = 0.028964
g = 9.8
localpt = (m * g * hight + cp * (temp + 273.15)) / cp
pt = Int(localpt * 10) / 10
End Function

Public Function eqpt(hight, press, temp, td)

'相当温位 eqpt(hight,press,temp,td)
‘Equivalent potential temperature eqpt (hight, press, temp, td)
‘It asks for equivalent-potential temperature from 'potential energy, enthalpy, and latent heat.

l = 51012
cp = 29.10882
m = 0.028964
g = 9.8
mypt = (m * g * hight + cp * (temp + 273.15)) / cp
myes = es(td)
eqpt = Int((mypt + (myes / press) * l / cp) * 10) / 10
End Function


The example of use
高度 Altitude 
気圧 Atmospheric pressure
気温 Temperature
データ部 Data division
計算結果 Calculation result

2.The fuel
I consider the fuel of a nuclear power plant to be Pu of an abandonment nuclear weapon.
It is because think that fuel cannot be cheaply made from dangerous work.
If fuel is made, it is necessary to cool with water continuously, and there is a life in nuclear weapons.
It is necessary to also cool nuclear waste with water, and it is very troublesome.
It becomes impossible to have cooled the fuel pool and Tokyo became becoming ruins.
We cannot reduce radioactivity.
Radioactivity is a disposal method with best being spread.
It is necessary to make many nuclear power plants to Asia to reduce a U.S. nuclear power plant.


3.The accident of a nuclear power plant

According to an interim report
I judged that piping of compressed air broke in the earthquake.
A result -- a vent -- it was not able to do .
The melt-through which a hole opens occurred in the pressure vessel.
When pressure fell, the fire truck was able to pour sea water.
The nuclear power plant in Japan cannot do a vent, when a big earthquake occurs.
But,  Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, electric power companies, and specialists do not do safety measures.
I  think they are  lunatic.
By this cult nature, I came to think that Japan is developing the atomic bomb.

sorry my poor English.
I appreciate your patience.
Thank you.



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